The Design & Illumination of Interior Spaces
You might ask yourself what is meant by interior spaces, and how does that relate to interior design?
Life is, basically a series of experiments that forge our collective cognizance in order to build a sustainable relationship with, not only our friends and neighbors, but also with the universe as well.
Being creatures of a greater or lesser God, it is our mission to fulfill our destiny by supporting the very basic principles of our existence. Or to put it another way - to live, love and prosper.
Happiness occurs when one acknowledges the intrisict value of life and love, without these there is mostly emptiness.
There is design in everything on earth and in the universe as well. It is the role of design to make objects work together, to make things more attractive, and last but not least, to let us celebrate their beauty.
When you look at the ethereal clouds in the sky, the majesty of our mountains, and the shimmering liquidity of our seas and oceans, one cannot but be struck with the awe of it all.
Always remember while form follows function, function also fulfills our needs and desires.
Hays Dobnick Design Ltd.